Cafe Penguini

Today you’ll be the real manager of Cafe Penguini! Poor Berthe is tired at work, and you need to help her. The diner has just opened, there’s only one place available, and there are a lot of customers in the cafe. Penguin doesn’t have time to serve guests, and there’s also a nasty chef at her side, always disgruntled and speaking out about something. Manage the place and pick up cool tips. Visitors are attracted by the cozy atmosphere, delicious menu and location of the cafe because it floats right on the water.
Help Berta: Put a customer at a table, take their order, and give them the dish they want. If the chef makes a mistake and cooks unnecessary food, it is thrown away and the guest is angry. Calm him down and offer a tasty alternative. The menu includes burgers, ice cream, sweet eclairs, lemonade, pizza, toast and many other goodies. In the early stages at your disposal only one table, where to put a newcomer, so do not yawn and serve quickly. The guest is given time to wait – 30 seconds. Do not have time to take orders, he will leave with tales of disgust about your cafe. Do not let this happen!
The development of the institution depends on its success and profitability. For the day you have a certain amount in the cash register. Earning it, the cafe on the ice floats to another place where the assortment and customers are more. Gradually you can put up a few tables, expand the list of delicacies and collect huge tips from happy bears, walruses and penguins. Try your hand, because we’re sure you’re the best!